
Luwak White Coffee . Kopi Luwak Putih . White Koffie Luwak

Luwak White Coffee . Kopi Luwak Putih . White Koffie Luwak. Good news for you fans of coffee drinks without getting sick stomach and heart beating. Because Coffee Luwak coffee has found the latest variant, namely WHITE Koffie a flavorful delicious and safe in the stomach or your heart.
WHITE Koffie tech machines manufactured by Cold Drying of Japan is through the process of freezing or cooling to - 40 degrees Celsius that is able to eliminate the causes of stomach pain gastric acid by 80% but the caffeine can still be maintained 100%.

THE LUWAK COFFEE is proud to introduce  LUWAK WHITE LOW ACID Koffie first in the world. With the most recent variant of the coffee, Kopi Luwak coffee drinkers to give satisfaction to.

Kabar gembira bagi Anda penggemar minuman kopi tanpa terkena sakit lambung dan jantung berdetak. Karena KOPI LUWAK telah menemukan varian kopi terbaru, yaitu WHITE KOFFIE yang beraroma nikmat dan aman di lambung atau jantung Anda.

WHITE KOFFIE diproduksi dengan mesin berteknologi Cold Drying dari Jepang yaitu melalui proses pembekuan atau pendinginan hingga – 40 derajat Celsius yang mampu menghilangkan asam gastric penyebab nyeri lambung  hingga 80% namun caffein masih tetap bisa dipertahankan 100%.

KOPI LUWAK dengan bangga memperkenalkan LUWAK WHITE KOFFIE LOW ACID pertama di dunia.  Dengan varian kopi paling baru tersebut, Kopi Luwak memberikan kepuasan kepada  peminum kopi.

Kemasan isi 20 sachet Berat 472gram
1 dus isi 10 kemasan atau 200 sachet berat 5kg (plus dus)

Harga Luwak White Coffee . Kopi Luwak Putih . White Koffie Luwak Kemasan isi 20 sachet Berat 472gram Rp CLOSED
Harga Luwak White Coffee . Kopi Luwak Putih . White Koffie Luwak 1 dus isi 200 sachet berat 5kg (plus dus) Rp CLOSED

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10 out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 10 user reviews.

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